4 Types of Customers
When designing your website, get to know the 4 colour types of customer and what they require to be attracted to stay on your website. The 'red' customer will not tolerate...4 CUSTOMER TYPES
We can get your site up and running and provide a variety of ready-made pages full of sections you can easily move around, delete, style yourself.
How Artificial Intelligence gave me more exciting content
I decided to bite the bullet and try Artificial Intelligence for a client
A client sent me an email with some text to add to his page; he did emphasise that he was hoping to sell more of his paintings. The client creates fabulous landscape oil paintings, however when I read the text I didn’t feel it was particularly attractive ...Tips on choosing a WordPress theme
4 important tips on Wordpress themes
4 tips to help you decide the most effective Wordpress theme for your business. Particularly important tips to know if you are using Wordpress for the first time, things you probably don't think about until after you purchase ...Marketing – Satisfy 4 colour types
Customers fit into 4 colour types
Consider all four personality types in your sales material. If you are creating your own advertising and sales campaign material you need to consider the many potential customers leaving because they are not included. If you are ...Is your website keeping up?
Website Checklist for success in after 2015
What worked on your website in the last decade may no longer be effective for your potential customers. Nobody likes change but if you don't move with your customers ... ou may end up closing your business that your ...Don’t give people what they expect
Design to sell! Don't design to be clever.
Don't design your website based on what everyone else has done before otherwise you give customers what they expect... money comes from giving the customer what they want so step into their experience and think about what they want to feel ...Selling is not giving people information
Why a customer wants to give you money?
You are not selling information, you are always selling feelings. Stay on mission! Selling is something we are all gifted at and do naturally. Somehow though, in the process of running a business online a disconnection happens.Enfold Theme support – WordPress
How do I get support for my WordPress website?
I want to change some pages and layout etc. To be able to get access to Enfold's online support team you must register with your theme license purchase code which will be attached to your profile to get help from the experts ...Sliders to call customer to action
Don't leave your potential customers hanging!
When visitors come to the end of a blog post or article, make sure you remind them of your products and services… or a special promotion maybe they missed from your other promotional methods. Keep 'reframing' your ...GDPR Persondataloven & Cookie Loven
25. maj 2018 Træder EU's GDPR Persondatalov i kræft
Undgå bøden på €20 millioner - er du klar til at imødekomme reglerne? Lad os sammen få styr på alle de krav, der stilles til dig som dataansvarlig, ejer af en hjemmeside, blog, webshop etc. Indsamler du data, blot ved en ...Sikkerhedspakke WordPress
Sikkerheden i WordPress
Det er de onde spammere, hackere og andre ondsindede personer, der er et brud og en fare for os andre. Må de få deres straf. Ærgerligt er det, at finde sit site i smadder, efter et hacker-angreb. Databasen har fået en 'injection' af ...Det gode WordPress smarte klik
Opdatering af Wordpress er smarte
Når det går godt, er det fedt. Men når det ikke går så godt er det knapt så fedt. Se hvordan jeg fik lært lektion og måtte stoppe med at være "flink" og klikke-glad for de kære opdateringer jeg holder så meget af. Forleden sad jeg med ...Know your unique business brand
Don't sell your soul, your business is unique.
Everyone is a unique brand, whether an individual or a business. A business is simply a wider expression of an individual. If you are a business owner then your richest path will be the one that stays with your unique brand. Unfortunately what tends to happen is that we allow ourselves to be distracted by ...Newsletters & Autoresponders
Converting visitors to customers
Newsletters are a very powerful way of being able to inform customers, remind customers and keep customers in touch with your online business. To fully understand the power of newsletter to building your customer base it is best to imagine your business as a high street store. People don't necessarily go into your store online 'because ...Webstrategi – Webshop eller ej
Check liste: Er en webshop det rigtige valg?
Hvilke overvejelser bør du gøre dig når du ønsker, at åbne en webshop? Dot com feberen raser stadig. I mange virksomheder, i deres ejere og i skabs-direktører (folk, der stadig er lønmodtagere men har drømmen om, at blive selvstændig). Jeg har denne drøm om, at jeg skal sidde derhjemme bad min skærm og bare sende lidt e-mails, og pakke et par pakker om dagen ...Dandomain Webshop til
Webshop og webdesign til
Inkl. webstrategi og position for at skabe en succes med webtrafik og transaktioner for omsætning i en shop med hundetilbehør og høns. Med stor succes har jeg selv bygget og drevet flere webshops, så jeg er i en position (erfaren) til, at rådgive og vejlede om:Forretnings Optimering Del 1
Forretnings optimering - Clear Mission!
Mange mindre virksomheder kommer aldrig i position til, at give udbytte, at være resultatrig. Årsagen er ganske enkelt, at deres mission, deres formål med at starte en forretning ikke er krystal klar fra starten. Modsat er mange store virksomheder, netop blevet store fordi de har holdt fokus på deres formål, deres mission, som fra starten er ...