Webmaster Service for WordPress and Woocommerce Webshop

WordPress – Not static, it moves all the time!

Here’s the best analogy to help you understand why a “caretaker” is more valuable than ever if you are not “techie” or you have no heart to learn what you need to learn to maintain the essential functions of your online website…

Let’s use the analogy of building a business on the high street as we used to do in the olden days.

About seven years ago before WordPress was invented, you could build your online website just like building a new shop on the high street. You would submit your plans to the builder and he would build it according to your specifications… the main point being that if you or your webmaster (builder) did not change anything then the brick building remained as it was built. In other words it was static and you had complete control.

Why is WordPress different?

WordPress works on the premise that you don’t need to build your own website from scratch anymore. WordPress has built a standard set of functions like windows, doors, shelves which when you buy a theme you are in a way “hiring the fundamental framework”. Then on top of that you install a theme which is a design, or skin which one of the thousands of developers out there are creating. The design is a ready made ‘look’ which can still be tweeked to personlise it even more. When you buy a WordPress theme you are essentially paying for the skin but in that package the skin will be still attached to the fundamental framework of the original builder, i.e. WordPress.

  • The upside is that you can easily change the “look” (which is called a ‘theme”) fairly easily.
  • The downside is that many of these functions are being adjusted, updated and added to by WordPress automatically.

You need to be ready, or have someone ready!

When updates are released by the builder “WordPress” you still have to press the button so that they can be rolled out into your own website. Yes, it sounds easy and most of the time you don’t need to hold your breath, everything will be fine. However, there are so many software packages working together on a site (from a shopping cart to the browers you are using to view your site) that conflicts often arise. When this happens, the effects can vary from your site looking strange, functions missing or not working… to the site being completely offline!

If you are I.T. savvy great, you know what to do. If not, it causes alot of stress… especially if you are spending money on advertising or have just launched a big campaign on Facebook and sending lots of traffic to your site which is not either offline or the errors are making the customer nervous about swinging their Dankort!

WordPress has changed the game, but not the seriousness of business!

The introduction of WordPress has meant that so many more people can now “download” a WordPress website much more easily… and if you simply want a blog as a hobby or to keep people updated with your holiday snaps or your new dog it is an absolute blessing..

However, if you want to run a business on WordPress and this is your livelihood which you expect to cover all your living expenses, you must learn either learn what you need to maintain it… or outsource it’s maintenance to someone else such as BizDoktor.