Heart / Passion
In, Out or Re-frame?
When the heart is not in something, we feel a less of energy, drive and motivation to act or use resources. If your business is to sustain you financially and secure your lifestyle, then the products and services must be something you are passion about. Are the things you are promoting, things you would be promoting even if you didn’t get paid? Is it something related to a problem that makes you angry and something you want to fix? Also be aware that if you have been in business a while, sometimes a dip in energy or “heart” is a sign that the period of the way you “presented” your product requires a change – honour the signs and be willing to be open to a fresh approach. You can present your products and services in a myriad of differing ways, creativity is endless; if you still have passion then it is open for avenues of income to flow!
Think ‘High Street’ not ‘Online’
Is your vision clear?
To save your time, energy and money make the shift in your mind and ask yourself would I open up a physical shop on the high street (se video “Website Plan/Design). If the answer is no, ask yourself why and listen. The reason why so many businesses fail online is because they don’t understand that it requires the same resources online as it would on the high street. Digital does not mean easier! This shift in perception will help you decide if you are serious because everything will come from you; even people you hire will be a mirror of your subconsciousness. Even when it comes to resourcing outside help, just because someone has been recommended to you because they had a great experience, that person you hire will mirror your own dynamic (even if it doesn’t seem like it); if you are serious and passionate, follow your hunches, work with people you like and don’t quit until you have the lifestyle that makes your heart sing.
Think about the view a visitor first sees as your “shop window”. A second or two decides whether they know what you are selling and whether it is attractive enough to “go in”. Use it wisely.
Does your website bring you confidence?
Confidence is what a visitor is looking for. Bear in mind that if a potential customer were to speak to you in person, they would be able to assess your level of confidence by your body language, passion, vocabulary etc. so it’s important to “reproduce” those feelings. Take a step back from your website and try to look at it as if you were visiting for the first time. Do you feel confident? It doesn’t necessarily have to be specific customer testimonials, images, text, the professionalism of your website can activate a gut feeling of confidence. Also consider how you feel about your site? All our emotions effect every aspect of our business, we will always find something about our website that is not good enough, that’s natural but if every time you look at your site you feel bad, it’s worth doing something about it… if only because it may be weakening your passion and motivation.
It’s about the customer, not you!
Jump into their shoes
One of the areas you can improve the success of your business is always jump into the shoes of the customer. As business owners, we know everything about our business and often fail to communicate so many things because we assume visitors know. Do your best to look at everything with fresh eyes, think “if I was signing up what do I need to see, hear and be informed of to feel confident and make an easy purchase?”. The four colour types also gives you some practical tips to include and validate every visitor right from the start.
Sikkerhed er Vigtigt
Hvor stor er chancen for at MIT site bliver hacked?
Sikkerhed er det fleste vil feje det ind under gulvtæppet? Men det kan koste dyrt! Ligesom dig, hader jeg at bruge mine hårdt tjente penge på ting, som ikke giver mig glæde eller sjov. På den anden side, har jeg også brugt flere uger på at genskabe noget arbejde, der gik tabt i et online angreb. Hvor virkelig er truslen? Der angribes over 33 millioner sites hver måned! Jeg har selv … Læs Mere
Using Images to Say More
Images are replacing text
Images are more important than ever because people are overwhelmed with visual stimuli and now used to “scanning” as much as possible; images trump text for attracting the customer’s eye. A picture can replace a thousand words! Keep in mind that all buying is emotional. The customer is not looking for a product per se, they are looking for the experience the product or service can give them so try to use images that take them there as fast as possible. Images are also powerful in answering questions. For example, a therapist might show a picture of themselves inside the room which answers two questions, “Do I like the look of you?” and “Is this a place I want to visit?”. As a customer you should be able to visit your own products and services objectively and ask what do customers want to see and hear and what might the obstacles be that I can resolve quickly… using images! Basic tips on optimising images and uploading to your website.
Either Learn or Pay Someone
Is your business a hobby or dependent income?
Paying for web assistance is not cheap because, as simple as it looks digitally, it is time consuming! In this new world where our websites now have to satisfy so many devices and where WordPress and software are constantly updating, it is important to learn at least some of the basics to avoid throwing your profits away on I.T. support. Only the true “geeks” like, or have this uncannily painless way to figure out how all these digital things work, so if you are assuming you will want to learn, the reality is that you won’t. The alternative is that you think much bigger and attract money to outsource these jobs which is a better option; it is easier to expand something you love doing than to do jobs you hate. “Go big or go learn!”
Creative Doesn’t mean Customer Friendly
Design should be functional which means “selling”!
When you are considering the design of your website (and maybe surfing for a new WordPress theme), it is very easy to get swept away by many designs that are very creative, fun and different. As a creative person, I LOVE them… but as a customer they drive me crazy and infuriate me which means other customers experience the same. Having things move or place them the opposite place to where it is expected is clever but not “bankable”. We’ve probably all visited that website where it opens to a full page and you have no clue what you are supposed to do next… don’t do this to your visitors because you are using up their “buying time”! Keep in mind that your website is essentially a shop; have you ever been in one of those super trendy bars where the bathroom is like an art gallery and you can’t even figure out how to get the taps to work? Every moment your customer wastes trying to figure things out or giving them a moment and leaving them feeling stupid, reduces your chance of a customer. Customers aren’t coming to your website because of its trendy design, they are coming because there is an experience they want to buy so don’t frustrate, irritate or hold them up!
Furthermore, if you are looking for a customized design and want to use a designer for a mock-up, make sure you employ someone who can design for websites. Designs are easily created in Photoshop and can look fantastic but with the introduction of ipads and mobile phones, those designs might not be practical or need very expensive customization to adjust to each device separately. Also a designer can use fonts that are not free and have you falling in love with a font that you will have to pay a monthly fee for the lifetime of its use on your website! Keep in mind that your website is not an interior design project… harmony is important but if there is so little contrast that your buttons can’t be seen the site is not doing its job in calling a customer to action.
All Success Comes from Within
A business (site) can only be as good as its owner!
The natural laws of energy prove that we attract life experience magnetically and that we are responsible for what we draw to us. Whether we have the best product, the best team or suppliers, live in the richest country etc., does not determine outcome. It also blows the theory of “competition” out of the water. Your business will be the sum of your beliefs which in turn will drive your actions. We have first-hand experience of this dynamic in action, every project we get involved in takes on the dynamic of the customer… whether it is a breeze and gets finished in lightning speed or drags on for two months depends entirely on the energy of the client. For most people it takes time to build a business, not because it naturally has to but because we “naturally” happen that way. Keep your eye on your own business because only you have the power to enrich it. Believe in your business, don’t give up, stick with products and services you have a passion for and no one can limit your success!
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