Sales Pages Included 4 Customer Types

Marketing – Satisfy 4 colour types of customer

Customers fit into 4 colour types

Consider all four personality types in your sales material. If you are creating your own advertising and sales campaign material you need to consider the many potential customers leaving because they are not included. If you are ...
Give Customers What They Want, Not What They Expect

Don’t give people what they expect

Design to sell! Don't design to be clever.

Don't design your website based on what everyone else has done before otherwise you give customers what they expect... money comes from giving the customer what they want so step into their experience and think about what they want to feel ...
Enfold Theme Support

Enfold Theme support – WordPress

How do I get support for my WordPress website?

I want to change some pages and layout etc. To be able to get access to Enfold's online support team you must register with your theme license purchase code which will be attached to your profile to get help from the experts ...