Markedsføring af din virksomhed og reklame online.Markedsføring af din virksomhed og reklame online.

Sales Pages Included 4 Customer Types

Marketing – Satisfy 4 colour types of customer

Customers fit into 4 colour types

Consider all four personality types in your sales material. If you are creating your own advertising and sales campaign material you need to consider the many potential customers leaving because they are not included. If you are ...
Give Customers What They Want, Not What They Expect

Don’t give people what they expect

Design to sell! Don't design to be clever.

Don't design your website based on what everyone else has done before otherwise you give customers what they expect... money comes from giving the customer what they want so step into their experience and think about what they want to feel ...
25 Minute Podcast About Money And Its Perspective In Business

Money, Money, Money podcast to impact business expansion

Flip your perspective about money

Is the subject of money holding up decisions, putting a knot in your stomach or simply de-railing your passion for your business? Then it’s time for a shift in perspective to stop this happening once and for all. Do the Lamborghini exercise! ...
How Ai Helped Me Write Content And Copy In An Easier And More Attractive Way.

Hvordan Artificial Intelligence gav mig mere spændende indhold.

Jeg besluttede at bide i det sure æble og prøve Artificial Intelligence til en klient.

En klient sendte mig en e-mail med noget tekst, der skulle føjes til hans side; han understregede, at han håbede at sælge flere af sine malerier. Kunden skaber fantastiske landskabsmalerier i olie, men da jeg læste ...
Marketing Tips - Er Din Hjemmeside Responsiv?

Is your website keeping up with the customer?

Website Checklist for success in after 2015

What worked on your website in the last decade may no longer be effective for your potential customers. Nobody likes change but if you don't move with your customers ... ou may end up closing your business that your ...
Selling Vs Information - Hjemmeside Og Virksomhed Succes

Selling is not giving people information

Why a customer wants to give you money?

You are not selling information, you are always selling feelings. Stay on mission! Selling is something we are all gifted at and do naturally. Somehow though, in the process of running a business online a disconnection happens.
Use Sliders And Design Your Marketing More Effectively

Sliders to call customer to action

Don't leave your potential customers hanging!

When visitors come to the end of a blog post or article, make sure you remind them of your products and services… or a special promotion maybe they missed from your other promotional methods. Keep 'reframing' your ...
Forretning Tips - Know Your Brand
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Know your unique business brand

Don't sell your soul, your business is unique.

Everyone is a unique brand, whether an individual or a business. A business is simply a wider expression of an individual. If you are a business owner then your richest path will be the one that stays with your unique brand. Unfortunately what tends to happen is that we allow ourselves to be distracted by ...
Nyhedsbrev Autoresponders - Keep Your Customers Informed About You.© 2024

Newsletters & Autoresponders

Converting visitors to customers

Newsletters are a very powerful way of being able to inform customers, remind customers and keep customers in touch with your online business. To fully understand the power of newsletter to building your customer base it is best to imagine your business as a high street store. People don't necessarily go into your store online 'because ...
Forretnings Optimering - Be Clear About Your Business Mission

Forretnings Optimering Del 1

Forretnings optimering - Clear Mission!

Mange mindre virksomheder kommer aldrig i position til, at give udbytte, at være resultatrig. Årsagen er ganske enkelt, at deres mission, deres formål med at starte en forretning ikke er krystal klar fra starten. Modsat er mange store virksomheder, netop blevet store fordi de har holdt fokus på deres formål, deres mission, som fra starten er ...