Artificial Intelligence …
take a look at this copywriting task before you decide helpful or not

We don’t like change
only the results of change

It’s fair to say nobody really likes change… and the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business can be a conversation stopper.  When it comes to AI in business, you tend to fall into one of two camps; the geeks who want to bring it on even faster (which is my partner who has been studying it for a while now) … and the rest of us who don’t want to go anywhere near it.

I have to admit,  I’ve been resistant to looking into AI for business content. My resistance was the concern that the content may feel manipulative and pushy. I’ve been so tired of reading articles that I can feel have been written by ‘bots’.  Not only that but I was sceptical that the content would be personal enough to capture the tone, respect, heart of what I hope a potential customer will feel. So far, I’ve been impressed by my introduction to AI and proved wrong in my assumptions.

Working with business clients, I’ve become acutely aware that business owners are not very creative at writing impactful content to sell their products and services.

We are so close to our “baby” that we’re not very good at feeling the products and services from a customer stand point. Not only that, business owners can lack confidence in selling, which means websites become full of content that’s weak and lacking ‘attractive’ impact on potential buyers.

How Can Ai Help Me Produce Better Content For My Business

I decided to bite the bullet
and try Artificial Intelligence for a client

A client sent me an email with some text to add to his page; he did emphasise that he was hoping to sell more of his paintings. The client creates fabulous landscape oil paintings, however when I read the text I didn’t feel it was particularly attractive.  I’ve never used AI before so I was curious to see what AI could do with this small amount of text.

I wanted to know how AI could ‘light’ up his text to excite the customer more than his version did. Below left, you can see the original content he provided and on the right, you can see the exact content of what AI produced. Not only did AI provide better content (in my opinion), it fully formatted the text and laid it out in an attractive and easily readable way. I’ve shared it exactly as AI delivered it so you can see how helpful it is.

Just laying out the text more attractively is very helpful and not everyone has a flare for this. We’ve all visited a webpage or opened an email that’s text heavy and looks overwhelming; we don’t even bother trying to read it. The sad thing is that this product or service be the solution we’ve been dreaming about but our first impression sends us off the page at lightning speed.

After signing up to use an artificial intelligence platform, it literally took me 5 minutes to have this text generated. Of course your content needs to be checked for grammar and spelling mistakes but I was amazed with the result and will be using it again!

Original Content

“John Smith tilbyder et seriøst og kvalitets bevidst udvalg af sine landskabsmalerier i alle prisklasser.
Du kan handle hjemme fra dig selv, der er således ingen geografiske hindringer, for dine køb du får du leveret lige til din dør.
14 dages fuld returret så du har mulighed for at se om det købte maleri passer i dit eget hjem / på din arbejdsplads.
Skulle du fortryde dit køb, får du naturligvis straks dit fulde beløb tilbagebetalt.
Atelier Smith Mobile pay 12345.”

AI Produced Content

Creating Website Content With Ai Articial Intelligence Wp Hjemmeside

If you’re interested in using AI to optimise your content, sales material, SEO practices, don’t hesitate to contact BizDoktor.