Ny responsive hjemmeside og webshop

Scan How came to us as their current site was not functioning correctly, the multi-language function was causing pages not to load and stopped a visitor from getting back to a page. They wished to move over to a WordPress site with a vision to:-

  • bring the new site up to date to allow all ipads and iphones to view the website more effectively (responsive)
  • add a Woocommerce webshop
  • add a multi-language function and create site in Danish and English.

Process: When I first visited Scan How’s front page the first challenge was to understand what the product was and what it could do for me – it wasn’t clear besides seeing that it was something to help those with “cognitive challenges” such as autism. So, making “the shop window” clearer was a priority. The information was randomly spread around the site so it was important to focus the information in a logical sequence step by step to help the visitor understand the app, what it could do and quickly and easily be able to download and buy cloud space.

Improvements: We were able to inspire Scan How of ways to generate and secure more income using the webshop which they were very excited about. They found it very helpful to have a sparring partner who gave them confidence to expand pricing possibilities without feeling hesitant or nervous… and to integrate its pricing options in the shop.

Hjemmeside Før

Scan How - Før Billeder

Hjemmeside Efter Snapshots (still in construction!)

Ny Forside - Scanhow.dk
Snapshots Af Ny Sider - Scanhow.dk