Flexskilte Hjemmeside re-design to a new WordPress that Increase sales conversion rates

Flexskilte contacted us with a plan to make the business more efficient with regards to promotion costs. The owner wanted to increase increase the conversion rate on his advertising costs. One big factor we pointed out was that the website front page didn’t sell his wide range of products very well. The owner was passionately busy producing a wide variety of signs in all shapes, sizes and designs but unfortunately the website was not even close to promoting his products, his decades of expertise or the benefits of buying from Flexskilte!

We could see, as a potential customer, how easily we would leave the site as the front page wasn’t enticing enough. Once we went behind the scenes and had access to all the images of past projects, we could see where there was potential for getting more online orders.

Once we showed the owner a front page mockup suggestion, he was inspired to move ahead and update the complete site.

Hjemmeside i WordPress Før & Efter Billeder

Før Og Efter Forside Screenshot Fra Flexskilte
Flexskilte Før Og Efter Hjemmeside Screenshots

Produktkategori Gallerier

On the front page, we added an overview of Flexskilte products with a wide selection of examples of products that had been produced for customers. The sliders would be an effective way to show many examples on a mobile without having to scroll too much. Adding the product gallery close to the top of the front page is a very effective way to help customers see what is available quickly. It’s always important to keep in mind visitors are impatient and decide whether the site is worthy of staying on very quickly… so images can be critical.

Skilte Produkt Promotion Gallerier

Page cleanup

We wanted to improve ease on the customer eye (see before and after screenshots below). We refreshed pages to help focus and promote products better. Adding small galleries on examples helped the customer know what was available. The full-width design also helped pages become less “busy” and simplified the look.

Skilte - Flexskilte'S Hjemmeside Side Redesign Flottere Og Bedre...

Using WP sliders to promote product range (Enfold Theme)

We took the opportunity to display more products using sliders. We have included a few below.